Bangladesh is a country in the South East Asian Region with 56 thousand square miles of land area engulfed with 7 major rivers across the country.
She has 2 sea ports named Chittagong & Mongla. International Airports are Dhaka, Chittagong & Sylhet. Total population of the country is 160 million.
Climate is moderate. Profession of the major peoples is agriculture works. However, the other professionals do work in the country’s trade, commerce & industrial sectors.
To cope with the present global market economy - many of us in the private sector have undertaken numerous programs with the model of PPP ( Public Private Partnership ) for enhancing economic growth of the country in the macro and micro levels. Present per capita income of Bangladesh is almost US$ 1,500.00. Bangladesh has undertaken massive plans in both macro & micro levels to reach a middle earners countries level of income by the end of the year 2100. Present growth rate is almost 7%. After construction of the largest Bridge of the country on the river Padma by own financing and a Metro Railway in the Dhaka city with the finance from Japan Govt- it is expected per capita income will increase by 1% that will reach in 8% above.
Khan Logistics Ltd. has 2 Custom Licenses covering International Freight Forwarding and Custom Broking services in Bangladesh. We have our global partners. We are also contemplating to establish a Joint Venture company in the project and service sector in Bangladesh. KHAN LOGISTICS LTD. as a cargo forwarder and also as a CUSTOM BROKER is gaining strength day by day with the mission and vision to reach the desired goal. Our both the Groups officers & staff are always prepared to ride rough shod over all barriers to further strength the relationship with the partners and clients.
We can cater for any transportation requirement i.e FCL & LCL of both the Import & export cargo through Air and Sea Freight forwarding and Door to Door services. We are an active member of the Bangladesh Freight Forwarders Association (BAFFA) and Dhaka Customs Agent Association(DCAA) of Bangladesh. Our mission is to protect our partners and customers.
Our vision is excellence to grow bigger to serve our valued partners and clients better round the year. Our journey along the road to freight forwarding industry and custom service sectors began dated back from the year 2010. We maintain a very good relationship with the government stakeholders in the service sectors. We have a special relationship with the Air & Sea Custom officers and staff which meets our partners and clients requirements.